Piece of Cake!
As I stated up top, the real action will all still go down at my website, where I've just finished a whole raft of year-end features, including profiles of my top ten movies of the year (though my understanding of the word "ten" is a little shaky), plus my finalized list of Oscar nomination predictions (tune in on Jan. 25 to learn who's happy!), and, best of all, the full list of the 2004 Nick's Flick Picks Honorees, which encompass not only the best movies of the year but the best performances, documentaries, foreign-language films, creative achievements, and everything else that fits in 20 categories. Plus some honorary citations for those exquisite little movie moments that don't fit anywhere else.

This blog will also be a great place for me to post brief comments on movies that I never quite get around to viewing in full, and for you to reply with your own thoughts and feelings. Every once in a while, I even experience a work of art that isn't a movie (!), and since my site isn't named Nick's Book Picks or Nick's Theater Picks, this will be a great place to write 'em up. And for those of you out there who are sick enough to be curious about what it's like to be a late-career graduate student, plugging away at a dissertation that just won't budge (hmmmmm... maybe because I watch so many movies?), you will hopefully tolerate a post or two about, you know, what I've been up to. Or about world events. Or charities and non-profit campaigns you should know about. Or local Ithaca happenings, for those of you up in the 14850. Karen Carpenter said it best, people. We've only just begun. A kiss for luck, and we're on our way!...
(Photo from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, © 2004 Focus Features)
Labels: Awards 2004, Eternal Sunshine, Golden Globes
Welcome to Blogistan! I know you'll like it here.
There was precious little to be catty about this year; everyone played it fairly safe. But hoo-boy, you're right about Kate Winslet. This gal is so fabulous she leaves us all just babbling incoherently while slumped in the corner in a fetal position. Between Kate 'n' Clive, you could just die of joy.
Just a couple of other fashion notes: 1) Meryl Streep is getting a tad old in the tooth for decolletage...she looked like Beverly Sills on a not-great day. 2) Uma: More of this, please, girl, less gypsy lederhosen. 3) Annette Bening: Thanks for keeping my motivated to stick with the workouts.
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