Where's the Beef?

At least I have Something New to look forward to, whose well-advertised trailer is so utterly beguiling that I'm hoping it's bonafide, instead of another Hitch. Sanaa Lathan has such charismatic comic authority in this preview, the dialogue zings ("Are you sneaking off to the O.C.?"), and Simon Baker finally looks sexy, instead of looking like some Hollywood casting intern's idea of sexy.
But after that, there ain't jack. Sure, I'll see Freedomland, cuz of Julianne, even though I bet it's worse than a midwinter studio dump; if you've followed the tortuous process of its changing release schedules, it seems to have gone from a rush-job timed for awards consideration (dulllll) to a springtime postponement (uh-oh), then briefly back to the even more certain doom of the late-December shuffle (serious lack of studio confidence), and now back again to February, as though to avoid Worst of 2005 lists. Jesus H. Christ! But yes, I'll go, and I'll see the Pulse remake, too, because that's just the sort of thing I do. But seriously, that is it for about six weeks, barring the potential for a NYC jaunt to see this or this or this or this or this. But this doesn't count, cuz there's always stuff to see in Gotham City. But why can't there be something for the hometown? I've scratched Casanova, since whatever its chances with the Art Directors and Costume branches, I've seen that trailer a jillion times, maintaining my gaze despite every execrable wig, and I just can't find it in me to give a **** about that movie. (Fill in your own expletive; they all apply.)
For the next few weeks, then, it's just Sanaa, plus some return trips up the mountain and around the world.
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i have to say that it's with the same crashing boredom and malaise as yours, dear nick, that i look at this upcoming mid-winter crop of movies. i got my so-called 2006 preview from EW in the mail yesterday and none of those flicks are happening until at least march. and i swear if an unkempt and sobbing julianne moore utters, "i've had life inside me" during that unkempt toddler-hunting movie, i will go completely postal.
p.s. a second viewing of those cowboys proved to be worthwhile for me. although the "i wish i knew how to quit you" will never ever be regarded as anything other than hilarious, the rest of the movie seems to hold together.
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