Break Out the Bubbly...

Dear readers, I may have been out of sight, but you have not been out of mind... and at least I recognize that, having ignored this blog for over a week, I better have something appreciable to say for myself upon returning. So I'm giddy giddy giddy to let fly with the news (admittedly, not all that well concealed in my last post), that I have accepted a tenure-track professorship at Northwestern University to begin in the Fall of 2006. I couldn't be more excited. Literally, if you try to imagine me being more excited than I in fact am, you will fail. The job is a joint appointment in the Department of English and the Program in Gender Studies, which only makes it easier for me to offer a wide range of courses in film, literature, theory, drama, gender and sexuality studies, etc., etc., at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and at a truly premier and exciting institution. In a fantastic city. With job security. The official offer arrived late last week, after all the usual bureaucratic processes, and I gleefully accepted it yesterday afternoon.
As if I needed any further incentive to accept this terrific opportunity, there's the enormous karmic plus that follows from Northwestern being mentioned by name in When Harry Met Sally...:

HARRY (lamenting his first date Back Out There): So I downshift into small talk, and I ask her where she went to school, and she says 'Michigan State.' And this reminds me of Helen. All of a sudden, I'm in the middle of this massive anxiety attack, my heart's beating like a wild man, and I start sweating like a pig.
SALLY: Helen went to Michigan State?
HARRY: No, she went to Northwestern. But they're both Big Ten schools.
Anyway, thanks to all who have e-mailed encouragements or written to ask whether I was c) trapped under something heavy. (See above, and for gosh sakes, do yourself an enormous favor and memorize the movie.) Much more to say on the eve of Oscar, after second viewings of Capote, Munich, Good Night, and Good Luck., and Walk the Line, plus a bunch of off-the-radar Oscar nominees from year's past, ranging all the way from delectable surprises to deadening fiascos.
And I read two fascinating plays, and I'm back in the middle of an all-time favorite novel (come on, people, it only costs one cent!). Things have been hopping. More soon. No for real, I promise.
Labels: Academia
Wow!!!!! Congrats...I grew up in Evanston/Chicago will love it...and the job too, I'm sure.
That news got me more excited than some faceless guy ripping off all my clothes.
Congratulations, Nick.
Woohoo! That's amazing Nick - I'm so happy to hear this. It sounds like the perfect placement for you; what great departments to be working in. Those Northwestern students are lucky to have you...
*shakes fist*
now it's no longer the-job-that-dared-not-speak-its-name.
now, start posting again damnit.
What a great Job! I now officially want to be you when I grow up.
Congats Nick. You give hope to all of us who are struggling in the belly of the beast.
Wait! You are now on the same faculty as Christopher Lane?!?!?!?!
You cannot imagine the shade of green I just turned.
Well it's about freakin' time it's official. I've been hungry for details and hope you've picked out a nice big house on Sheridan for us all to live in.
I hope by "us all" Amanda means all regular visitors to Nick's Flick Picks: The Blog as well as your actual human friends. As for the news, which is fantastic, I am trying to imagine myself more excited and only just succeeding. (Someone forwarded me the Colin Farrell sex tape the other day...)
Yay for Old Times, by the way.
That is... what's the word?... oh yes, awesome. Congratulations, Nick!
@OhMyTrill - Delightful to hear first-hand praise of Evanston. I'm guessing that your collection of winterwear, as evidenced in your photo, began at home?
@Dr. S - Oooooah oooooah! It's raining jobs! Hallelujah!...
@Par3182 - Delightfully apropos. I'm a writer, I know dialogue, and that's particularly [lovely].
@Ali - I was with you until you shook your fist at me, but I'm taking it as a compliment. ;)
@His Eminence, the FilmBitch - Your wish is my... wish, as well. But I really will try to take it as a command! I want to do you right! (Capsules already floating to the surface on the webpage...)
@Damion - Thanks so much, my long-lost pal! I've missed you... and if you ever wanna meet Chris Lane, whom I also idolize and who has already proven to be very kind, you've got a futon to crash on. I won't even force you to leave me one of your dogs in gratitude.
@Amanda - Northside all the way. Beyond that, who knows. You probably know better than I do. Details for you soon, once I'm back from Oscar Xtravaganza with His Eminence (above).
@Tim R. - I am fully in favor of a massive Iroquois longhouse for everyone who visits this blog, where we'll all raise Clementine together (roger that, A.?) and trade DVDs and bon mots and good eats all day long. I'll start my housing search under "Cabins".... oh, and you were the inspiration for reading Old Times, so yay right back at you.
@Jeff V. - Thanks a million, and so nice to see your name pop back up!
Congrats! That is the type of position I one day hope to get! Best of luck to you.
Nick - the fist wasn't being shook at you, but your lucky students! Sorry for the confusion.
so glad that you'll be here in chicago - there are many good meals in our future! and I'll definitely be saying, "I'll have what he's having." :) jenn
Congratulations, Nick! I continue my happy dance for you. Really, you should see it. And hey, I know of a great film revival house around those parts...
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