Nearing the End of the Tunnel

Inland Empire (12.15) - Come back to my cerebral cortex, Davey Lynch, Davey Lynch!
The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
Battle in Heaven
The Good German
When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts (DVD) - Technically a small-screen offering, but seems destined to emerge as one of the year's seminal film projects
Children of Men (12.25) - A tendentious story is to be assumed, but the visual possibilities are exciting
Notes on a Scandal
Shut Up & Sing
The Dead Girl (12.29) - Karen Moncrieff's debut Blue Car built confidence, the cast entices, and the Indie Spirit voters took strong notice
Dreamgirls (12.15) - I know the buzz is high, but the trailers aren't convincing me; still, it's not like I'll be anywhere else when this finally opens
The Good Shepherd (12.22) - Destined either to plod or to surprise, and a potentially good role for Damon
Breaking and Entering (12.8) - Risk runs high for self-involved irrelevance, but the attractive cast and estimable crew deserve a shot
The Painted Veil (12.15) - Pretty scenery, but seems like the White Countess of '06; then again, Nathaniel found much to admire
Venus (12.15) - Redgrave, O'Toole, and Michell: good enough for two hours, even if there's nothing else on offer in the film
Happy Feet
Letters from Iwo Jima (12.20) - Flags of Our Fathers slashed my confidence, but I suspect this one might have more to say
The History Boys
Blood Diamond
The Pursuit of Happyness
Curse of the Golden Flower (12.22) - I'm sorry, but haven't we seen this movie a half-dozen times in the last half-dozen years?
Factory Girl (12.29) - Most of the cast is already dead to me, but you never know when someone will pull a Charlize '03
The Holiday (12.8) - The preview trailer is pandering and shapeless, and I can't bear to watch Winslet strike out three times in one year
The Nativity Story (12.1) - I was inexplicably intrigued as the release date approached, but now I can't be bothered
Perfume (12.27) - Sure looks awfully tawdry, in several senses, but if the reviews are there, I'll show
Miss Potter (12.29) - Please kill that Oscar buzz now; Renée and I are still taking time off from each other, and I can't fathom why Ewan and Emily are content to play second-fiddle to her
Days of Glory (Indigènes) (12.15) - A stirring premise and good response at Cannes; how hard will the Weinstein Co. push?
Our Brand Is Crisis (DVD) - Perhaps a case history of perverted political economy to set beside The Corporation? Or at least an above-average documentary?
The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes (11.17) - I didn't understand Institut Benjamenta, but the Brothers Quay are worth another stab
Sweet Land
Inland Empire isn't scheduled to open in Chicago until January 26, so don't expect a Top 10 before then. Especially in a comparatively fallow year, I'm not moving a finger till I see what that queer one, Mr. Lynch, has brought to the table. In the meantime, what are you looking forward to, and what are you hoping to revisit or catch up on from earlier in the year?
(Image © 2006 Universal Pictures/Strike Entertainment)
you know. every year I think I'm doing better about seeing things early and every year right about this time I realize I'm fooling myself: I stop and shudder trying to imagine how to fit them all in.
Oh and you haven't seen Curse of The Golden Flower a hundred times already. Same genre yes but that's like saying you've seen Chicago if you've seen Moulin Rouge! or some such. More palace intrigue than wuxia.
Plus it's kind of a hoot if you read it as a comedy.
Great list. Personally I can't wait for:
1) Requiem
2) Perfume
3) Inland Empire
4) Good German
5) Lives of Others
6) Notes on a Scandal, for exactly the same reason as you (I don't think anyone expects this to actually be "good" if you know what I mean, but it looks like a first-rate soap opera with the Judi and the Cate. Unmissable, really).
Haha, I just realized... that's a lot of 'Germany' in there.
I'm actually most looking forward to being able to revisit Crank on DVD on January 9, sadly too late for StinkyLulu's supporting actress blog-a-thon (I wanted to write about Amy Smart). Aside from that, I'm jazzed about the Siskel's latest noir series, especially the Joseph H. Lewis ones I haven't seen yet. As far as theatrical releases, tops are Inland Empire and The Good German.
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