CIFF 09: OscarWatch (Updated)

Cheating a little, since end-of-the-week deadlines at work make it impossible for me to generate a full-on review, but I don't want to default entirely on my daily festival coverage. So, some brief notes about the AMPAS viability of the four official submissions for the 2009 Best Foreign Language Film Oscar I have seen or am soon to see at CIFF, all of which await their full reviews:
IRAN: About Elly (IMDb) - I can easily imagine this film earning a nomination, and though I'd still regret the more sublime and ambitious Iranian films that have gone unrecognized for so many years, I'd be to applaud a citation for About Elly. The strong ensemble acting, mystery structure, and production values jell much more closely than almost any previous Iranian submissions have with AMPAS's preferred templates, and the film has built-in appeal for nominators who vote with an eye toward cultural particularity as well as those who are looking for Hollywood-friendly "entertainment." Plus, most of the people I have talked to who have seen About Elly can't get over how gratifyingly unusual it is to see an Iranian picture get major play in the U.S. festival market without being a highbrow formalist work about children or about alienated drifters. The immersion among eight young, attractive, middle-class friends on a weekend trip will probably prove even more eye-opening to Oscar voters than to the cinephiles who have already been rallying behind the movie since Berlin.
MEXICO: Backyard (IMDb) - Seems like a threat for a nomination, especially since director Carlos Carreras has scored here before for The Crime of Father Amaro. Then again, the Academy has certainly passed up lots of recent chances to recognize many, many Latin American thriller-dramas that deal with the kinds of criminal investigations and headline-grabbing scandals that power this movie. The complicated but not too complicated female protagonist played by Ana de la Reguera may register well, as might the overtly feminist outrage of the script, less because Oscar has an estimable career as a global feminist than because of the Academy's persistent urge to feel somewhat hypocritically well-schooled about forms of "oppression" and sociological or bureaucratic deadlock that flourish beyond the U.S., as long as they are dissected within slick, commercial, ultimately reductive aesthetics. Note that this is basically the same recipe they tend to prefer among homegrown "political" dramas. The casting of industry fixture Jimmy Smits in a sort of privileged cameo cannot hurt.
SOUTH KOREA: Mother (IMDb) - I would be astonished if this made the cut, and given Korea's prior inability to find any traction in this category, either with period epics (Chihwaseon) or crossover hits (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring) or festival prizewinners (Secret Sunshine), it would be a major plume in Bong Joon-ho's cap to qualify for this defiantly eccentric combination of murder mystery, deep-black comedy, and maternal-sacrifice melodrama. I suspect it will translate as erratic and overworked to most Academy voters, since even the more sympathetic audiences of festival watchers and devotees of aberrant auteurist perspectives have had mixed responses to the film and to the mannered, intense, bravura performance at its center. As far as that goes, see the comments that have already started accruing to this post.
ROMANIA: Police, Adjective (IMDb) - A very tricky case. I couldn't help thinking that the protracted static shots, the repeated scenes of low-intensity stakeouts and zero-speed police pursuits, and the severity of the atmosphere, color palette, and minimal dialogue would be an impossible sell to AMPAS. But then, some pivotal scenes involving a YouTube video, a populist takedown of arcane grammatical rules, and a climactic, tendentious scene with a dictionary that furnishes the movie its title really brought down the house at the screening I attended, which looked demographically like a plausible mirror for what I suspect a Foreign Language Film Committee screening probably looks like. That is, lots of white hair. Police, Adjective works a similar combo of being and of spoofing (or at least generously tickling) a certain kind of arch, minimalist European art form that paid off with a nomination for The Man without a Past in 2002, another Cannes favorite that few had pegged as the Academy's cup of tea. It won't be an easy "get" for a nod, and the snubbings of the even more accomplished The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (longer write-up here) and 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days still cast quite a shadow. Police, Adjective, though, exposes its very, very dry funny bone early and obviously enough that voters who might like it could be tempted to stick it out for the even bigger payoffs to come.
Labels: CIFF09, Festivals, International, Iran, Mexico, Romania, South Korea
I saw Mother and liked it. Jet black comedy going on there, which makes me think that Oscar will maybe pass.
Personally, I think Kim Hye-ja might stand a better chance of getting nominated than MOTHER itself.
Mother was too long, and tried to raise up a plot from a not very big event. Plus, Bong Joon-Ho couldn't find the right tone here, whereas in "The Host" he played the lines right, and was able to elicit laughs, worries, and thoughts all in the same block. Kim Hye-Ja was overbearing, but the part called for that, so she delivered. A very good performance, but at times a little much while your watching it.
I agree about the tone, which was a tad erratic at times, but I kind of felt that Kim Hye-Ja didn't help that. I liked her but I don't think she's capable of giving the film what Kidman gave To Die For, for example.
A day late & a dollar short, but I just thought I'd pitch in: I was quite smitten by Mother, but "erratic tone" is just as often something that's going to appeal to me as turn me off, and the film certainly is erratic. And I think that Kim was absolutely fantastic and mesmerizing.
But the Oscars? Hell no. Spring, Summer.. had a much better shot than pretty much any other Korean film this decade, and if that couldn't make it, then this has no prayer.
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I agree with Tim about erratic tones and how good they sometimes can be. I thought "Julia" was an amazing film, however hard to watch it was, and same with "The Hurt Locker" and "Tokyo Sonata." But "Mother," I think, had a problem because it went off on a comic hit-and-run route (which was sort of funny in a Joon-Hoian way but not necessary) and then shifted back on track too late, without having really developed the plot. If they had cut this out and perhaps started with the murder, the tonal issues could have been solved. I sympathize with this film, since I agree Oscar will pass it by, and it may not get the same reception from audiences that a winner or nominee would, but it's no "Gomorrah" and I think a snub wouldn't be too big of a deal.
Count me among the 'Mother' fans. I like to be surprised at the movies these days, so I crave erratic tones and I practically seek them out. But perhaps too many erratic movies have skewed my perspective because I found 'Mother' pretty fluid and coherent. It didn't grab me straight away, but it became more absorbing as it went along and the conclusion was both heartbreaking and thought-provoking, which is another rarity that I cherish in contemporary cinema. Kim's performance was the right mix of downtrodden, committed and unhinged.
And much as I was moved and thrilled by "Mother", I was downright astonished by "About Elly" - largely for the reasons Nick mentioned - though I don't see the film as an Oscar nominee (which is by no means a strike against it). I'm surprised it hasn't got a bit more buzz behind it since Berlinale. But then, I guess journalists these days only go to Berlin to bitch about the mediocrities rather than hyping up any gems (and there were several this year, like every other -e.g. the layered rape-revenge rural noir "Katalin Varga" and the genuinely unique Golden Bear winner "Milk of Sorrow"). In any case of the 40 or so 2009 premieres I've caught so far, I'm ranking About Elly third only behind the sublime White Ribbon and the unbelievable (literally - you don't believe your eyes) Dogtooth. "Mother" presently stands around 6th on that list.
Alas, my most anticipated film of the year that is not directed by Almodovar, Audiard, or the Coens - "Police, Adj." - has yet to make it to these shores.
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