A Fanny Minafer Moment

This will be me in a week, in which time I will have completed the Chicago apartment-hunting trip on which I shall embark later today. My partner and I will be blowing around the Windy City from Thursday night until Wednesday evening, chasing a 3BR paragon of rentable real-estate, so burn whatever incense and say whatever prayers you've got that we find something good. If you live in Chicago, keep your fingers crossed that we hit the jackpot quickly, so that we'll have time to call you and hang out while we're there! If you don't hear from us, you can guess that we're turning into this...

Images from The Magnificent Ambersons © 1942 RKO Radio Pictures/Mercury Productions, and reproduced from www.Ambersons.com.
Don't use any streetcars then, unless they happen to have "Desire" printed on them, in which case we'll let you off. And you'd better get Derek to lop off those heels, maybe with a machete like Michael Douglas in Romancing the Stone. They're not practical, you know. Good luck!
3 Bedroom. wow. set your sights high. good for you.
in other words of encouragement:
don't lose it like crazy ol' aunt fannie! we need you sane so that you're writing regularly in June!
The Magnificent Ambersons... bliss.
(good luck with house hunting)
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