Back in the High Life Again

If you've been wondering where I suddenly disappeared to after a relatively prolific August, I've just been gearing up for my first teaching term at my new job at Northwestern University. My Fall Quarter course, which meets for the first time this afternoon, is called Gender Studies 231: Introducing Queer Cinema, and it's a lecture-scale reworking of a seminar I offered last year at Trinity College and even earlier at Queering the Apparatus (a blog that is no doubt also feeling the excitement and the pinch of a new academic year, as are this one and this one!).
Anyway, thanks to all you regulars for being patient with me while I figure out where and how this blog will continue fitting in to the vida loca of a new assistant professor. My plan is for the pendulum of energy to swing back toward the main website, and maybe even to integrate the blog more directly as a scrollable frame within the website homepage. At the very least, I'd like to be writing more full reviews. Anyway, I'll be brainstorming for a while, so don't be shy about posting recommendations of things to keep, purge, or change. In the meantime, at least two book reviews and two film reviews coming up soon... plus the next entry on the Favorites countdown, which contends that you really can go home again, though you may not always want to.
Labels: Academia, Queer Cinema
LOVE the new photo... and that Black Dahlia review... and, well, the prospect of more soon. Long may Nick Pick Flicks!
Indeed, the new photo is dreamy.
I just came out of a demoralizing class session -- the first full-body, full-class plagiarism smackdown I've had to do after years of teaching. The semester truly has begun...
Which makes returning to the office to finally read the Dahlia review even more of a treat.
Welcome back, sweetie. I am indeed feeling the pinch, though not all in a bad way! Will look forward to more from you. May even come your way in the flesh sometime soon(ish), if you'll have me. Huzzah!
i love love love the new photo as well. the background shelves framing your portrait appear tantalizingly ambiguous -- can't tell if those slim objects are books or dvds. i'd like to think they're all your flicks, and you're indeed queering even the apparatus of the faculty photo. ramble ramble. you're beautiful, as are your eloquent reviews whether abbreviated or full-on flick spin. sending synergistic thoughts that your class went well today. feel free to fly me, dr. s, tim r, or others in for guest lectures or better yet, to give 'what fors' who've no idea the gem of a new asst. prof on the chi-town block that's just arrived before them.
Ah yes, the photo is gorgeous, as usual. Bon chance avec tes classes, mon ami!
And I think at this point it's redundent to tell you that I enjoyed what I've read thus far of your Black Dahlia review, because I adore anything you write. You're just so damn brilliant!
I want to take your course! I looked over the syllabus and wished my "readings" included these films.
Best of luck with the lectures and grading. My mom was an assistant prof, so I know how tough it can get juggling so many responsibilities. But whenever you can update, you can be sure we'll be here reading!
I am indeed feeling the pinch! You syllabus looks GREAT!!!!! I would love to take this class! You are my hero.
I never saw any "Best Actor" or "Best Supporting Actor" posts to complement the great posts you ran in the spring for Picture, Actress, and Supporting Actress. Would love to see you complete the set when time permits.
congrats on your new job at n'western. welcome to the city.
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