A Beatrix Kiddo Moment

In this superb example of shallow focus, you can see Uma looking fierce and resilient in the foreground while the background is crowded by a blurry horde of ungraded papers, unfinished course proposals and internal paperwork, mounting inboxes, missed trains, delayed film reviews, and friendly phone calls still waiting to be returned. Don't worry; you can still place all your bets on Uma for the win. But if I come to work tomorrow in a pinstriped yellow track suit, y'all will know why. </vent>
(Image © 2003 Miramax Films)
Labels: Academia
I feel I must be battling the NM Auxiliary of your nemesis. And really, it's the piles of ungraded papers/exams that scare me most...
Well, that -- and the thought of what I would look like in that yellow track suit...
It is a VERY well-shot scene, and Miss Thurman is just a vision in yellow.
I hate yellow but somehow i love this costume.
Dude. I have come home for dinner in part to get away from that horde in the background. But I will go back at it, armed in no small part by your post. Defy it all!
Love the new banner.
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