Tweet Pray Love

No individual performance write-up today, but two new site features that I hope you'll appreciate at least as much as my impending thoughts on Rachel Roberts. First, I have surprised even myself by experimenting with a Twitter feed to apprise you of updates and include the kinds of short cultural bulletins, movie-related and otherwise, that I don't have time to develop into full postsincluding very short responses to all those movies I see and then don't review!
Second, for those of you who are tracking my progress in Actress watching, but even more for you gallery types and fellow zealots who want to see the history of the category and pay the proper respects (yes, even to Ali MacGraw), visit the new Best Actress Gallery for a mosaic of the 408 nominated performances, in chronological order. The tiny cameos get bigger, in some cases much bigger, if you click on them, and you can glide your mouse over the tiles to see whom you're looking at. Gray boxes indicate the dozen performances I have left to see. (I'm presuming an average monitor setting of 1024 x 768, but I've included a link to a slightly different version that might be better for 1440 x 900 screen dimensions, which is what I have.) For those of us not in church this Sunday morning, this ought to furnish an opt alternative. Enjoy!

Labels: Best Actress, Site Features
Nick- I just wanted to let you know that it's been really great having so many blog posts from you recently. It's been fun seeing you get closer and closer to finishing your "Best Actress Project". You've whetted my appetite for many films and performances I haven't seen.
Do you know of anyone else who has seen every nominated Best Actress performance? Either way, when you get to the end you'll undoubtedly be one of the few in the world.
Also, looking forward to the twitter account. It will be great to hear your short responses to movies you don't get to review. And the Best Actress Gallery is a lot of fun. Excited to see you cross the Best Actress finish line!
Remember my reaction to the banner? You can imagine how I feel about this Gallery. You think you didn't go to church? Your blog IS a church! With many godesses to pick from. Just beautiful!
And I was really happy when I found out about your twitter account. Seeing the grades is fine but something more specific is even better.
I hope I haven't become too silly to be taken seriously with all this praise but I'm really grateful you exist.
I'm with James T. My life has changed in ways I wouldn't have previously imagined, all due to your blog, and I haven't yet mentioned the genuine thrill I got from the mention in your Bujold review of the progress on your upcoming book. Thank you, and please keep writing!
@Evan, @James, and @Colin: These three were such unbelievably nice comments that they really kept me going for a couple of days when I was starting to feel like I'd already used every word I know on these entries, and might need a break. Thanks for reminding that there are people out there enjoying this material, and I really appreciate these incredibly kind sentiments. You're all so generous to me!
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