Oscar Is a Punk

To help me relieve my own dawning dementia, here is a list that should put me back in my right mind and Oscar back in perspective. It's hard to muster surprise when Oscar ignores the Bergmans and Bressons and Godards, the Wongs and Sembènes and Makhmalbafs that have been pinnacles of world film culture at various times but, as if for that very reason, have no chance at love from the Golden Guy. And obviously experimental stuff never even registers, and documentaries are totally ghettoized to their own, infamously fickle race. But Oscar also has a nasty habit of passing over some of the best English-language narrative films that pass right under his nose. What follows are 20 inexhaustibly brilliant English-language movies that didn't score a single Oscar nod. I even limited myself to one film per director.
When you look at this roster, and you imagine for even a moment that the AMPAS voting body might conceivably honor The Notebook where these films were forbidden to tread...it's instantly difficult to care quite as much. Or, it's at least easier to sit out the two weeks till that DVD appears. (I'm insane.)
1. Modern Times (Chaplin '36)
2. His Girl Friday (Hawks '40)
3. The Scarlet Empress (Von Sternberg '34)
4. Touch of Evil (Welles '58)
5. New York, New York (Scorsese '77)
6. Safe (Haynes '95)
7. Holiday (Cukor '38) - read my review
8. Marat/Sade (Brook '67)
9. Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick '99) - read my review
10. Dead Ringers (Cronenberg '88)
11. The Wind (Sjöström '28) - read my review
12. The Lady Vanishes (Hitchcock '38)
13. Daughters of the Dust (Dash '91)
14. This Is Spinal Tap (Reiner '84)
15. Letter from an Unknown Woman (Ophüls '48)
16. 3 Women (Altman '77) - read my review
17. Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (Jarmusch '00) - read my review
18. Trouble in Paradise (Lubitsch '32)
19. Opening Night (Cassavetes '77)
20. Vanya on 42nd Street (Malle '94)
Thank you for the perspective. But coming from you it remains suspect, since you sent me BACK to my nomination predictions last night in a tizzy. Ah well, such is the life.
In addition to the films you noted, it's also worth remembering that when nominations are announced in the acting categories and our favorites are left out just keep repeating: The following people have Oscars... Roberto Benigni, Sally Field, Hilary Swank, Cuba Gooding Jr, Marlee Matlin, [insert 100+ other random mediocre names here]. The following people do NOT: David Lynch, Julianne Moore, Greta Garbo, Alfred Hitchcock, [insert 100+ other great names here].
And finally, the ultimate sanity restorative should useless Oscar obsession keep you tossing and turning in bed tonight: Ron Howard beat Ridley Scott, David Lynch, Peter Jackson, and Robert Altman for Best Director. And he beat them all at once.
I tried to post something witty and snippy (since Nick here sent me into my own pre-nomination jitters and THEN preceeded to say it was silly to have them) last night while my eyes refused to shut but the moment slipped away
my post disappeared into the ether...
Just like the dreams of Paul Giamatti, Uma Thurman, Alexandre Desplat (and many more deserving folks toiling hard in Hollyweird) this morning.
21. The Ice Storm (Lee, '97)
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