Love in Any Language

Still plowing through my personal awards categories. Wherever you're reading from, I hope you have access to these movies, and I hope you'll file some recommendations for other movies we should all be hunting down from around the world.
Labels: African Cinema, Awards 2007, Awards 2008, Canada, China, France, Germany, International, Romania, Russia/USSR, Southeast Asia
Reading these awards is like living three years at once.
I have to drop a (very, very late) note to say thanks for your championing of Lady Chatterley; I would never have seen it otherwise, and I was particularly entranced by Marina Hands. (Also 12:08 East of Bucharest.) It's easy for these kind of films to fall under the (or my) radar so I'd be lovely if you kept plugging away with that.
Although by the same count I've always been baffled by your love of Yella. It was so maddeningly inconsistent and I was slightly fascinated by the contrast between the mundane and the bizarre (particularly the rushes of sound), but I found it so overridingly cold and clinical. (I am saying this a year on though, so take that with a pinch of salt.)
A yay for a Yella nod. A massive yay for a Lust, Caution nod; the second best of Lee's films (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon takes the cake) and my favourite movie of last year.
My 2008 picks are yet to be solidified since I haven't seen so many contenders, but three Asian pictures rank high on my Foreign Language ballot; Secret Sunshine (Lee Chang-dong), The Home Song Stories (Tony Ayres) and 881 (Royston Tan). If you get a chance to see any of these films, especially the first, I highly recommend them.
so glad to be reminded of our mutual admiration for Lust, Caution which like all of my underappreciated pets I assume I am (we are in this case) 100% right about and everyone else will have to come around in about 10 years.
I'm a bit upset to see Still Life relegated to the also rans. Especially since the film hasn't seen any sort of release down here outside of a festival or two and so I can't put it in my own awards (but the love for Up the Yangtze continues to fill me with giddiness - people will hopefully discover that movie eventually.)
Hey Nick,
I've presently posted my gushing review of Kung Fu Panda at my new Movie Epiphanies. You're a busy man, I know, but I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take some time to pop over and have a look.
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