Films of the 00s: American Psycho

"As early as Little Women and The Portrait of a Lady, maybe even earlier, Christian Bale's face has always been a kind of parodistic exemplar of the word 'chiseled.' As Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, Bale famously mapped that adjective onto his whole body. If his sharp brow, ever-enviable cheekbones, and suddenly statuary muscles seem preternaturally planed and hewn, via a regimen of exercise and cosmetics to which an early sequence memorably introduces us, there is also an aspect of the severe, maybe even the fascistic about this Wall Street pirate's pursuit of his inner and outer Superman. Chiseling isn't just a metaphorical or an autoerotic activity for Patrick, who also likes to slice and carve people up, although the Guignol assaults and starkly photographed red-on-white bloodbaths in Mary Harron's movie were never its most interesting element..."
What is its most interesting element, at least according to me? I'll tell you if you keep reading...
But by the way, does anyone remember that Lions Gate promotional stunt where you could sign up to receive daily e-mails from "Patrick Bateman" leading up to the film's commercial release? File that under creepy oddities in the annals of film advertising...
Labels: Adaptations, Christian Bale, Films of the 00s, Women Directors
Ahem: it's Meryl Streep's Suzanne Vale, and Nicole Kidman's Suzanne Stone... ;)
On a side note, Nick, check out and marvel at the kind of things to which sound designers stoop to get their SFX. Whoo~
Always appreciate a positive take on this movie, one of my favourites of the decade.
@Colin: Oops! Thanks for the catch.
@Glenn: I know you love this one; yours was one of the voices in my head telling me to revisit it.
one of my fav movies is so funny , trash ! every quote is a classic!
This is one of those movies that gets better with age.
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